Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Scavenger Hunt

So here are the results of the scavenger hunt. As is, it is not too useful in a social studies classroom, but the point of this exercise was simply to figure out how to do all of this digital stuff!

As lame as this sounds, I did have fun doing this assignment. Taking photos and cropping is simple (it is tedious, but not hard). Collaborating on the google presentation was nice because it allowed us to divide the work in half, with one person doing the templates and the slide titles, while the others worked with the photos.

I do see how this is useful in a classroom. Obviously, if one were able to visit a museum we could have the students take pictures with their phones and send them to the teacher as a scavenger hunt activity. The students might actually enjoy the activity and they might even learn something.

Unfortunately, I can see how most classrooms are not equipped for an activity like this because computers are limited. Students would have to work in large groups, which could lead to some management problems.

I wasn't even thinking about our theme all that much, but our theme probably should have been fine tuned. The theme that we had was quite broad and that is why we included so many pictures of us as people instead of artifacts in and around campus. If I had to do another scavenger hunt, I would have toyed with the theme a bit more to make it more specific.

1 comment:

  1. Any suggestions of social studies themes for future scavenger hunts would be greatly appreciated. Perhaps you would like to develop a specific theme for use in a future section of TPTE 486?
