Monday, June 21, 2010


Here is another explanation of one of the songs in my side gadget. "Symphony of Destruction" is one of Megadeth's biggest songs, and it has been a staple in their live set since 1992. The lyrics describe the ascension of a tyrant and his eventual downfall.

This is a good track to use in conjunction with material on the rise of Fascist states during the 20th century. It almost perfectly describes the political situations in Germany and Italy leading up to WWII.

"You take a mortal man/ and put him in control/ watch him become a god/ watch people's heads a-roll..." What more needs to be said? Hitler and Mussolini were simply mortal men who rose up to power, and they did indeed become demigods of sorts, at least in the eyes of their followers...and unfortunately, many heads did roll during the war. The war itself could be what Megadeth was talking about when they wrote the words "swaying to the symphony of destruction."

You ought to look up the also has an interesting video which depicts a political leader being assassinated. The assassination is not of any particular figure in real life, and I don't really have an answer as to why the band used that idea for the video. Perhaps they were trying to say that the only way out of a situation described in their lyrics would be to eliminate the source. It's hard to say, but the song is definitely useful, and most importantly, IT ROCKS!

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