Thursday, June 17, 2010


This evening's class was mildly exciting because I got to work with my amigo Tucker. It was nice to be able to try and apply some of the technology in this class to our specific content area. We were working on propaganda posters, and we ended up using a very popular poster from World War 2. One of the hardest parts of the assignment was deciding how many and which posters to use because their are so many killer examples out there!

I like propaganda posters from WWII and the Cold War because they were so overt in their messages and I find the artwork to be superb. Additionally, there is one anti-German poster from WWII which features a character wearing a dark that resembles a helmet worn by a certain fallen Jedi knight in the Star Wars films.

Collaborating was fun for two reasons. First, Tucker and I get along, so it is easy for us to collaborate. Second, he and I will be student teaching at the same school this year, so tonight's class will not be the last time that he and I work together.

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