Thursday, July 1, 2010


My personal learning network, as of now, is a bit boring. I had to inculcate some non-academic sources, like Blabbermouth, to make it a bit bigger. That specific website is where I get all of my metal news and release dates for cds and whatnot. I do plan to use music in the class, so I suppose there is a stretched connection there.

I included Tucker and Kristin because they are not only friends, but also in the same "boat" so to speak as I am. Tucker will definitely stay in the PLN as he and I are interning at the same school.

I do most of my "work" at home, so that is why I included the home bubble. I do not rely on any other places (that I can think of) on a regular basis.

I am looking forward to making some webs with some historical content...hopefully that assignment is coming soon.

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