Friday, July 9, 2010

Wiki-Tiki-Tavi and The American Revolution

Hey, the social studies group did well on the wiki project! YEAHHH!

The iMovie project was quite fun last night. I was fairly prepared and had about a dozen or so pics on my flashdrive for my story about the American Revolution, so I only needed to resize them and pick my favorites and I was ready to play.

The iMovie program seemed fairly easy to operate, although I did get a little frustrated with the caption part. I could not figure out how to add captions to a slide, and I tended to be long winded anyway, so I just made a few slides with text that preceded the picture they described. Hopefully that will work.

The music track should be fun to use. I have an instrumental song called "1776" that I want to use by a band called Iced Earth, and I'm anxious to see how lame my iMovie turns out! I could also use their version of the "Star Spangled Banner", but I feel that is too obvious. Their version is also instrumental, but I think I would save it for a later project about the War of 1812 because Mr. Key wrote the poem that goes along to it in 1814.

Oddly enough, the tune to our national anthem was taken from a British drinking song...go figure. We were so angry that we rebelled against the crown but we kept the drinking song and wrote some new words for it. How American :)

I am digressing...I was a bit surprised at how much I enjoyed playing with the program and I look forward to finishing it on Tuesday. It's nice to make something with the technology that I truly feel will be useful. I was not so sold on the wiki and I certainly did not like it, but I dig this movie/slideshow/music amalgam that we are synthesizing.

1 comment:

  1. I'm certain your digital story will not be "lame"!

    Please check on permissions for your song by Iced Earth. I imagine it's copyrighted because it's contemporary. You will have to choose a snippet/clip that does not exceed 30 seconds or 10 percent of the song and "loop it." This can be done pretty easily. If enough people want to learn how to do this, I will demonstrate it in class.
