Monday, June 14, 2010

New Picture

Well, as you can see, I changed my picture. In reflecting upon this, I believe the change might be one of the best decisions I will make in 2010, as that original picture was just heinous. It was funny, but it was quite terrifying as well. I also just realized that I am not sure how to respond to the comments on my blog. Miss Lubke commented on my first post, and I would like to respond, but I am not sure if their is a certain way to respond to a comment, or if I just need to view her blog and then comment on it. Perhaps someone can give me a few pointers, or perhaps I am just making this harder than it needs to be.

I am not sure what to think of the wiki project. Part of my brain thinks it could be fun and interesting, but the other half thinks it will be a pain. I suppose time will tell. On an unrelated note, let's say I wanted to add a top ten list of songs that I want to use to illustrate historical would I go about doing so and posting it on this blog? I am thinking in terms of gadgets, or widgets, or something similar. Is there a way to create one's own gadgets that does not require much technical knowledge?


  1. I agree with the project. I think it will be a pretty fun project, but the thing that worries me is the fact that only one of us can work on it at a time. Oh and your new picture looks much less like a mug shot.

  2. Yeah, I wish that we could all work on the wiki at the same time as well. I also like the new picture, much less heinous. I have been wondering the same thing about adding other pictures or lists. I saw some similar options on one of the gadgets lists, but I didn't try fooling round with any of them. I fear I might do something wrong and crash my computer. Could just happen with my luck.

  3. Im unhappy because I can never take a picture with my glasses on, because they create glare, and I look so much more intelligent with the spectacles...woe is me.

  4. Well, Joey, I guess you figured out how to respond to blog comments. It's not quite like a conversation in real-time, but if you turn on comment moderation and get email notices, you can find out quickly who is commenting and respond to them in a timely fashion. Thanks for bringing up this issue!! I realize that we all need to manage our comments and be more savvy so these blog conversations can really flourish. We will deal with this in class ASAP. Thanks, again for this!

    Regarding the top ten list: you could go the widget route. Just play and explore your options.(I know the Luddite in you is just saying, "Noooooooooooooooooo!" Resist the Luddite!) I did a quick Google search of "itunes blogger widget" and got several hits, including something from Widgetbox, which I actually know nothing about but would be fun to explore.

    Another option: just compile your Top 10 list as an annotated blog post. You could make your song list interactive by hyperlinking to web resources on the lyrics, songwriter, performer, historical era, and so on and so forth. Could be a really neat project for your students to do too! Then you could archive all the song lists in a wiki!!! The options are really endless.

    BTW, good update on the mugshot, er, I mean "profile photo." ;-)
